The IBF team in cooperation with Dr Milena Vukmirović is proud to present the lighting design of the Open Society Foundation, which includes work spaces, public relations and exhibition events. The facilities are organized in such a way that the offices are located in a two-storey space on the top floor, while the Society Gallery is located on the ground floor of the building. The space and lighting are designed as neutral, using natural materials in the furnishings and reduced forms of lamps, in order to focus on visitors, exhibits and contents. The first level consists of three connected units that can function as one, but also separately. The auditorium is designed as a multifunctional space in which lighting enables the creation of more scenes in relation to needs, while the gallery can also be used as a conference hall of different capacity and layout with a combined technique of spot and line lighting. Natural lantern lighting additionally communicates with artificial lighting and in combination gives an unusual and inspiring set of colors and atmosphere.